Individual Coaching is where we begin with all who seek our help. Whatever you are facing we believe it is always vertical (between God and you) before it is horizontal (between others/issues and you).

 We believe that the lasting change you are seeking is only found with God at the core of your life. We build a relationship with you to strengthen your relationship with God. Our guidance can take different forms of relationship: coaching, friendship, mentoring, and discipleship. Though I have graduate work in counseling, we are not counselors. If what you are facing requires professional counseling we can offer referrals while still providing coaching support.

 Our primary intent is to coach you in your relationship with God. You will uniquely discover and develop four areas: Worship, Identity, Desire and Satisfaction.


Six Week General Direction

Week 1: Hear your story--understand you and begin to understand God's desire for your life.

 Week 2: Probe deeper into the behaviors needing to be addressed.

Week 3: Look at the heart issues creating the behavioral issues.

Week 4: Seeking God's redemptive work in your life.

Week 5: Begin establishing support for further building God's redemptive working in your life.

Week 6: Evaluate where you believe God is leading and next steps.



 We will evaluate the process after 6 weeks. If things are not progressing, we may suggest that you seek biblical counseling or other help more suited for your need.